Ducks Unlimited Canada
National Boreal Program
10525 170 St NW Suite 300
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5P 4W2

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Analyse de la prise en compte des hydrosystèmes par la Stratégie québécoise sur les aires protégées dans la province naturelle des Laurentides méridionales

Publication Type: Technical Report

Wetlands, aquatics ecosystems, and riparian habitats are particularly important because of their biodiversity, biological productivity, and numerous associated ecological functions. In a conservation network, a representative part of the territory should directly be assigned to those types of ecosystems.

Read More Conservation Planning

Les milieu d’eau profonde, humides et forestiers riverains de la Forêt d’enseignement et de recherché du lac Duparquet

Publication Type: Technical Report

Since the 80's, a great number of studies have been conducted and more than 200 documents have been published about forest ecology at the Lake Duparquet Research and Teaching Forest (FERLD). In 2007, when the FERLD started to elaborate its new ecosystem management plan, the idea to include a zoning of deepwater, wetland and riparian ecosystems came up in order to consider these habitats in forest operations and to integrate them in high conservation value forests for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.

Read More Conservation Planning