Ducks Unlimited Canada
National Boreal Program
10525 170 St NW Suite 300
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5P 4W2
Canada's boreal wetlands provide incredible value to the planet. We are passionate about advancing science-based wetland stewardship in the boreal forest.
A convenient, self-study option for busy professionals across Canada. Learn about wetland types, characteristics, functions and values, learn to classify boreal wetlands and explore practical examples to apply this information in your work. Learn more about the course…
Do you prefer to learn in a classroom setting? Are you looking for customized wetland training for a group? Wetlands 101: An introduction to boreal wetlands– classroom can be delivered in-person to your group. This format allows us to customize the content and lead hands-on activities and engaging discussions.
Contact us to discuss in-person classroom training for your group. Note spring/summer 2020 classroom training is on hold due to COVID-19.
Apply lessons from online or classroom training in the field. We offer customizable Boreal Wetlands Field Training to groups. Wetlands field training is an important complement to other training formats and provides students with opportunities to apply concepts covered in Wetlands 101: an introduction to boreal wetlands in the field. Students will visit wetland field sites and will practice classifying wetlands while taking soil samples, identifying wetland plant species, and learning about wetland hydrology.
Contact us to discuss in-person field training for your group. Note spring/summer 2020 field training is on hold due to COVID-19.
We know wetlands. Reliable wetland information will help you increase your understanding of boreal wetlands and aid you to support decision-making when working in and around wetlands. If you are committed to sustainable wetland management in Canada’s boreal forest, our wetlands 101 training will give you the working knowledge necessary to implement the steps you require to make this happen.
Understanding boreal wetlands is the first step to conserving these complex, interconnected systems while supporting smart industrial and economic development.
As part of wetlands training, you will:
Learn to identify, classify, and understand the functions of boreal wetlands
Discuss potential challenges, impacts, and approaches to working in and around wetlands
Learn methods to avoid or minimize impacts to wetlands
Earn continuing education credits towards professional designations
“Operationally, wetlands present a number of challenges. Being able to accurately identify the types of wetlands we are dealing with and how they behave can avoid a number of unwelcome situations, such as road-base saturation, culvert sinkage, and road rutting and ponding. Equipped with a better understanding of wetlands, we will, with greater confidence, be able to build infrastructure that is safe for workers and appropriate for the conditions, with minimal environmental impacts.”
– Bob Mason, Chief Forester, Millar Western