Get ready for field season!
Winter is over and we are so excited another field season is just around the corner! To help you brush up on your wetland identification, classification, and best practices, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help you prepare.
- Register for an online course like Wetlands 101: An Introduction to Boreal Wetlands
- Discover hands-on learning opportunities – check out the event schedule at the Boreal Wetland Centre in Grande Prairie, Alberta
- Download guidebooks for practicing wetland stewardship in the boreal forest
- Alberta Wetland Classification System Field Guide
- Field Guide of Boreal Wetland Classes in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Canada
- Guiding Principles for Wetland Stewardship and Forest Management Practitioner Guide
- Wetland Best Management Practices for Forest Management Planning and Operations Practitioner Guide
- COMING SOON! Stay tuned for a new guide launching this summer, the Yukon Wetland Field Guide!
- Watch Past webinars presented by the Wetland Knowledge Exchange. Learn from wetland researchers and practitioners about new research related to wetland ecosystem services, delineation methods, biodiversity, climate change, and more.
- Read A GUIDE TO GREEN JOBS IN CANADA: VOICES OF INDIGENOUS PROFESSIONALS – Learn more about the values and perspectives of Indigenous professionals through their stories
- Find resources, news, and events on the CCLM Wetland Portal such as the lecture series “This land base is not passive – Connecting boreal wetlands to forest management” (presented in collaboration by the Canadian Institute of Forestry and Ducks Unlimited Canada)
We wish you a safe and successful field season putting all that wetland knowledge into practice.