Forestry and DUC collaboration launches new tools for foresters to protect migratory waterfowl

October 16, 2018
Edmonton, AB: The Forest Management and Wetland Stewardship Initiative (FMWSI) is pleased to announce the launch of two new tools for practicing foresters. The Forestry and Waterfowl: Assessing and Mitigating Risk Technical Report and plain-language Practitioner Guide were developed by Ducks Unlimited Canada in collaboration with seven forest sector organizations as part of the FMWSI.
About the project
The purpose of the Forestry and Waterfowl project was to develop a decision-making approach to assist the forest industry in assessing and mitigating the risk of incidental take of waterfowl in Canada’s boreal forest. The project was developed to lead changes and demonstrate due diligence in forestry planning and operational practices to minimize effects on waterfowl, their nests and eggs.
“We appreciate the importance of wetlands and know that the forest sector has a vital role to play in effective stewardship of boreal wetlands and waterfowl,” says Kate Lindsay, VP of Sustainability and Environmental Partnerships of the Forest Products Association of Canada. “This tool will help provide further guidance to the forest industry and partners in assessing and mitigating the risk of incidental take of waterfowl.”
About the products
The plain-language Practitioner Guide presents the decision-making approach and a compilation of migratory bird best management practices in an accessible format geared towards forest industry practitioners. The Technical Report provides the detailed rationale and methods supporting the steps of the decision-making approach along with background information on boreal waterfowl, the regulatory context, and supporting resources.
In an effort to ensure foresters can access and use the guides, the Technical Report and Practitioner Guide have been made available for free download. Hardcopies of the Practitioner Guide will be available to order at a cost at a later date.
Quick Facts
- The FMWSI aims to work collaboratively toward common goals by sharing knowledge and resources among partners.
- The inadvertent harming, killing, disturbance or destruction of migratory birds, nests and eggs, often referred to as “incidental take”, may be considered a violation under Canada’s Migratory Bird Convention Act (1994) and its regulations.
About Ducks Unlimited Canada: Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is the leader in wetland conservation. A registered charity, DUC partners with governments, Indigenous Peoples, and industry to develop comprehensive solutions to conserve wetlands that are critical to waterfowl, wildlife and the environment.
About the FMWSI: The FMWSI is a partnership between Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc., Canfor, the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), Millar Western Forest Products Ltd., Tolko Industries Ltd., West Fraser, and Weyerhaeuser Company to advance wetland stewardship in the boreal forest through sustainable forest management.
If you have any questions about the project or the products please contact us.
Kylie McLeod
Conservation Programs Specialist, BMP Program
Ducks Unlimited Canada
(780) 930-1273
Raina Mithrush
Communications Specialist
Ducks Unlimited Canada