Ducks Unlimited Canada
National Boreal Program
10525 170 St NW Suite 300
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5P 4W2

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Why do we need boreal wetland policy?

Boreal wetland policies and legislation are integral to effective wetland management.

Boreal wetlands are vulnerable; they are primarily on Crown land and appropriate policies and legislation are needed to help guide governments, industry, and residents in wetland management. Therefore, we strongly support the development of boreal wetland policy and legislation across all Canadian jurisdictions.

For more on the significance of boreal wetlands, check out Boreal Quick Facts.

What are we doing to help?

To aid in this effort, we inform government policies and legislation that conserve boreal waterfowl habitat. We support and influence the development of land use planning strategies, industrial land use regulations and protected areas on Crown land. We collaborate in government programs that align with DUC’s waterfowl conservation objectives. We advance boreal wetland policy by developing strong relationships with governments, industry, Indigenous Peoples and other conservation groups.

What should boreal wetland policy look like?

Ideally, wetland policies apply to all wetlands and all sectors. Different jurisdictions may require different approaches, but in general, we are seeking strong government commitment to a no-net loss of boreal wetland functions approach that would protect sensitive or significant areas while ensuring mitigation for any areas that might be lost or degraded. In doing so, our work helps to achieve important social, cultural, ecological and economic outcomes now and into the future.
